Believe: Ted Lasso’s Top Marketing, Sales & Leadership Lessons
Whether you’re a realtor, a lender, broker, or not even in the industry, the hit Apple TV show, Ted Lasso, has taught some top marketing, sales, and leadership lessons and tips for all.
Below you will find a breakdown of awesome lessons the show provides for both your personal and professional life. A big thank you to Sam T. of WEST and Tom B. of WFG Underwriting for putting this together!
Leadership Lessons and Marketing/Sales Tips #1: What’s the Plan?
If you’re familiar with the show (or even if you’re not), one thing’s for certain: Ted’s got marketing lessons and a plan for all of us. Marketing tip one – create an experience for your clients that makes them become a raving fan. Similar to the soccer fans in the show. We’re talking branding, swag, community partnerships. Even after you close a deal with a client, let them know they still matter to you by keeping in touch or sending thank you cards.
More Marketing Tips
Honestly, it’s the little things that can matter the most to clients. Listen to your clients. Like, really listen to them and provide them with experiential marketing, or by listening and learning from them. Essentially, create moments that matter. That’ll take your relationships and business to the next level.
We also recommend staying active on social media with your job and your personal brand. Create your identity the way Ted’s identity is created through his signature visor, mustache and jokes.
Sales Lessons
It’s not always just about getting the commission or the big check. You have to dig deeper to understand your client’s ‘Why’ in order to make the sale meaningful. Also, be authentic. In a world with FOMO (fear of missing out) and unrealistic portraits of lives on the Internet, be honest in who you are and in your intentions and goals.
For the last sales lesson – be curious, not judgmental. Ask your clients genuine questions. These questions lead to insight and insight leads to sales and long-term professional (and sometimes personal) relationships.
Ted’s Leadership Lessons
Being nice matters. It’s the most genuine and authentic way to succeed. With that said, gratitude is the real winner here. Be thankful to your clients. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to do what you do best.
And don’t think that winning is everything. It matters and all, but profits are not the only goal. Be a connector and a leader in your community, culture, and leave a positive social impact. When you do that, the sales will follow you.
The last leadership lesson to note is that everyone is unique. As a leader, cater and work with everyone differently. Ask your client’s their preferences on how they best prefer communication. Communication is key, after all. Always invest in getting to know your clients. When you connect with each and every one of them in their own way (not a one-size-fits-all way), they will be your clients for life.
Want More?
If you really want to get in-depth with this awesome webinar, check out the video below!